Using the 1961-2008 daily precipitation data from 300 meteorological stations in central and eastern China, seven rainstorm factors were selected to construct a synthesis indicator of rainstorm disaster-causing force by principal component analysis according to the principle that rainstorm disaster-causing factor should include the influence of rainstorm on flood disaster in three aspects of intensity, accumulation and continuity. Based on the rainstorm disaster-causing factor, the influence of rainstorm on flood risk was assessed in central and eastern China. The results show that the rainstorm disaster-causing force decreases approximately form southeast to northwest, it is highest in most parts of Hainan, central and coastal area of Guangdong, coastal area of Guangxi. The rainstorm disaster-causing force is relatively high in other regions of Guangdong and Guangxi, most parts of Fujian, south and east of Jiangxi, south of Anhui, east of Hubei, southwest of Zhejiang, The areas with medium value are Hunan, west and south of Jiangxi, south and north-central part of Hubei, most of Anhui, most of Zhejiang, Jiangsu, southeastern Henan, eastern coastal area of Liaoning. The other regions in central and eastern China have relatively low and even lower value of rainstorm disaster-causing force.