Infiltration is the primary mechanism in green stormwater infrastructure (GSI) systems to reduce the runoff volume from urbanized areas. Soil hydraulic conductivity is most important in influencing GSI infiltration rates. Saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat) is a critical parameter for GSI design and post-construction performance. However, Ksat measurement in the field is problematic due to temporal and spatial variability and measurement errors. This review paper focuses on a comparison of methods for in-situ Ksat measurement and the causes of temporal and spatial variations of Ksat within GSI systems. Automated infiltration testing methods, such as the Modified Philip-Dunne (MPD) and SATURO infiltrometers, show promise for efficient Ksat measurements. Soil Ksat values can change over time and substantially vary throughout a GSI, which can be attributed to multiple factors, including but not limited to temperature changes, soil composition and properties, soil compaction level, plant root morphology and distribution, biological and macrofauna activities in the soil, inflow sediment characteristics, quality of infiltrating water, and measurement errors. There is evidence that infiltration rates in vegetated urban GSI systems are sustained given an appropriate GSI design, reasonable concentration of suspended sediments in the inflow runoff, and routine maintenance procedures. These observations indicate that clogging can be counteracted by processes that tend to increase the soil hydraulic conductivity (e.g., plant root and biological activities). This self-sustainability underlines that infiltration-based GSI systems are a reliable long-term stormwater management solution. Recommendations on how to incorporate the temporal changes of Ksat in GSI design and on obtaining a spatially-representative Ksat for the GSI design are presented.