This study proposes an advanced robust stochastic cooperative frequency/voltage restoration control considering the effects of both communication/system noises based on Kalman-filtering theory for secondary control of islanded microgrids. Compared with existing ideal and noise-resilient distributed methods, the proposed robust stochastic distributed secondary control method can achieve mean-square synchronisation for voltage and frequency restoration of distributed generations (DGs) along with the real power sharing accuracy through a sparse communication network, even though both the system measurement and communication channels are susceptible to noise interferences and limited band-width constraints. To this end, the graph theory, stochastic theory, and Kalman-filtering theory are employed to estimate the states of each DG based on the information of noisy measurement, and then the estimated signals are sent to the neighbour DGs via a noisy communication environment. The main advantages of the proposed method are its ability to provide the quality of the estimate, low complexity, low computational burden, and working even though both the system and communication channels are susceptible to noise interferences and limited band-width constraints. Finally, the simulation results in MATLAB/SimPowerSystems Toolbox show that the proposed method has better, robust, resilient, acceptable, and desirable performance compared with the recent and effective methods.