The investigation of written sources from the 15th century demonstrates, that there is no reason to believe, that the lords of Theodoro were called despots, and the lands belonging to them were called 'despotate'. We have at our disposal three main variants of the title of Theodoro rulers from 1425-1475, with one changing element, that regards the territory: 1) "The lord of the city of Theodoro and Pomorie"; 2) "The lord of the city of Theodoro and Gothia" and; 3) "The lord of the city of Theodoro and Khazaria" At the same time, it should be recognized, that historical toponyms "Pomorie", "Gothia" and "Khazaria" designate different territories. It is hard to establish, what these terms meant in the 15th century. The title of the ruler of Theodoro is structurally close to the title of Metropolitan of Gothia, known due to discovery of a foundation stone with a monogram and an inscription from 1427 in a round cartouche: "Damianus. Metropolitan of the city of Theodoro". At the same time, in a large inscription dated by September 10, 1427, and made in commemoration of the restoration of the church of Holy Apostles Peter and Paul it appears more solemn: "By the most holy Metropolitan of the city of Theodoro and all Gothia, lord Damianus".