A measurement of consumer involvement with commercial brands. To know the degree of Involvement which a group of consumers have as for a brand can be of great interest to the responsibles of Marketing, because it supposes an important help to optimize both products policy and brand management. The researches that have tried to conceptualize and to measure the involvement with products, advertisements or purchase decision are numerous (Andrews, Durvusala and Akhter, 1990; Mittal and Lee, 1989; betwen others). But, in spite of your relevance, hardly the validity of these instruments has been studied to measure the involvement with brands. Only one questionnarie of involvement, in our knowledge, exists made in our country. This is the ''Consequences of Involvement Questionnarie'' (CIQ), that Garcia, Olea, Ponsoda and Scott (1996) performed to measure the involvement with comercial products. In this work we have adapted it to measure involvement with brands. Both psicometric coefficients and obtained factorial structure show that his characteristics stay satisfactory, when is utilized with brands corresponding to different products. Finally to indicate that the criteria variables used have allowed us to point out some remarks as for his conceptualization and measurement.