The immobilization of the globular protein alpha-1-acid glycoprotein (AGP) onto silica gel led to the commercial availability of an AGP column, which has a high enantioselectivity. The enantioselectivity of AGP columns has been demonstrated in numerous applications. Due to potential AGP structural changes occurring upon its immobilization, the interaction between particular pairs of enantiomers and the stationary phase is very difficult to assess. Therefore, in this paper we report a mechanistic study that probes the nature of these types of interactions. As model ligands, we employed two LTD4 antagonists (L-708, 738, MK0476, and their enantiomers) which have a rigid backbone consisting of a conjugated aromatic region and a side chain which is terminated with a carboxylic functional group. The difference between the two compounds is a two-fluorine versus one-chlorine substituent in the aromatic region of the molecule. To study the interaction between the two homologues and the AGP stationary phase, several parameters were varied, including pH, ionic strength, organic modifier, and temperature. van't Hoff plots were constructed and found to be nonlinear. They could, however, be divided into two linear regions, one from 0 degrees C to similar to 30 degrees C, and another from 39 degrees C to 50 degrees C. The region at lower temperature implied that the separation was entropy-dominated while the separation at higher temperature was enthalpically driven. The transition from the entropic ta the enthalpically driven separation region suggested that bound AGP undergoes a conformational change. Fluorescence spectroscopy performed on the AGP stationary phase found evidence for a limited conformational transition at a similar temperature, consistent with this hypothesis. Chirality 11:224-232, 1999. (C) 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.