Four Acala cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) germplasm lines, designated as NM 990649 (Reg. No. GP-1048, PI 688428), NM 990764 (Reg. No. GP-1049, PI 688427), NM 990815 (Reg. No. GP-1050, PI 688429), and NM 990827 (Reg. No. GP-1051, PI 688430), were developed by New Mexico State University. These potential parental lines provide improved yield potentials and/or the Acala-type fiber quality, especially fiber strength. NM 990649 was derived from the cross of B5527/DD1920P. NM 990764 was developed from a single plant selection in the breeding line 970200 derived from the cross of 'Acala 1517-91'/NM 24052. NM 990815 was developed from a single plant selection in the breeding line 970642 derived from the cross of TAM 87D3-24/'Acala 1517-95'. NM 990827 originated from a single plant selection in the breeding line 970643 derived from an F-2:3 progeny of the cross between two New Mexico experimental lines B7034 and B4222. The four lines were evaluated together with 'Acala 1517-99' as the standard check in three replicated field tests in Las Cruces, NM, over 3 yr (2001-2003). Compared with Acala 1517-99, NM 990649, NM 990764, and NM 990827 had similar lint yield but 5.2 to 7.7% higher fiber strength. The enhancement of fiber strength in NM 990827 was the highest among the four lines and significant in two tests. NM 990815 had significantly higher lint yields in two tests and averaged 10.1% higher than Acala 1517-99, with 4.0% stronger fibers across tests.