Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to validate market orientation (MO) and business results scales in an area of significant interest for the literature: namely, service firms of a small and microscale in a market sharing many similarities with Latin America (cultural, social and economic), specifically the Spanish rural tourism market. Design/methodology/approach - On the basis of a literature review covering works specializing in MO and its impact on the service sector, and in the characteristics of small-and micro-sized service firms (SMSF), a qualitative and a quantitative study are carried out in Spain, at a national level. Findings - The results validate the scales and identify that MO comprises the following dimensions: information-gathering, dissemination of information, and response to the market. The validated business results scale includes economic/financial results and others of a more personal nature linked to the entrepreneur business owner. Practical implications - The work provides knowledge regarding the activities undertaken by SMSF in the area of MO. Professionals from the small-and micro-sized service sector can use this knowledge to plan and design market-focussed actions that will lead to improved business performance. Originality/value - The work validates MO and business results scales that have been widely studied throughout the literature but that leave a significant gap in the case of SMSF operating in Latin American countries. The business base in these countries comprises a large percentage of such small-scale operations.