The Multi-Spectral Correlated -k distribution model (MSCk) is an amelioration of the widely used Ck model. In the MSCk model, the breakdown of correlation assumption used in the original Ck model for non-uniform media is overcome by introducing the clustering of scaling functions. The principle of MSCk model is to group together wavenumbers with respect to the spectral scaling functions-defined as the ratio between spectral absorption coefficients in distinct states-so that the correlation assumption can be considered as exact over the corresponding intervals of wavenumbers. Until now, validations of the MSCk model in 0D and 1D test cases have already been performed in the previous work (Andre, F., Hou, L., Roger, M. and Vaillon, R., 2014. The multispectral gas radiation modeling: A new theoretical framework based on a multidimensional approach to k-distribution methods. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 147, pp.178-195; Andre, F., Hou, L. and Solovjov, V.P., 2016. An Exact Formulation of k-Distribution Methods in Non-Uniform Gaseous Media and its Approximate Treatment Within the Multi-Spectral Framework. Journal IP: 49 249 253 194 On: Fri 23 Jul 202 07 37:51 of Physics: Conference Series, 676(1)). Howevr, its application to multi-dimensional configurations (much Copyr ght: Amer can Scientific Publishers closer to industrial applications) has not been conducted. Accordingly, in the present paper, we focus our De ivered by Ingenta attention on the application of the MSCk model to Multi-dimensional calculations.