The whole world was tremendously changed by digital technology. When the first computers appeared back in the 1960s, it was very hardfor anybody to anticipate that they will replace almost everything: newspapers, books, videotapes, music discs, maps, movie theatres, radio, TV, standard games etc. Mobile is essential now: mobile phone, mobile computer and mobile communication. The digital revolution came with a new way of interaction between individuals and companies. Post digital does not mean the end ofdigital but the end of digital domination. The digital revolution generates a range of new civil and human rights issues. Another big concern is reliability of data, not easy to verify. The digital revolution made it possible to store and track huge amount of information but also to delete or modifi, it. In the post-digital world, the benefit comes from using digital in powerful new ways. It is not enough that digitally enabled us to make our technology exponentially more powerful day by day, but technologies needed to innovate and differentiate based on customers needs not only to offer middle level digital tools and concepts. The solution is not to go for supra digitalization, but for human digitization, dedicated to next level type of needs (smart speakers like Amazon Echo). Technology will create an intensely customized environment and on -demand experiences, and companies must be ready to find, understand and capture those opportunities as they come. Post-digital way is to know how to deal with complexfuture oriented systems. Understanding the options, putting a lot of questions, developing non existing reality based on models and pilots, discussingpermanent with the customers, offeringpossibility oftrail usagefor extend testing, we will make digitization not an scope in itself but a tool to help humanity reach the goals ofeach of the individuals.