Publisher's Note: Higher signal harmonics, LISA's angular resolution, and dark energy (vol 76, art no 104016, 2007)

Arun, K. G.
Iyer, Bala R.
Sathyaprakash, B. S.
Sinha, Siddhartha
Van Den Broeck, Chris
PHYSICAL REVIEW D | 2007年 / 76卷 / 12期
P1 [天文学];
0704 ;
共 50 条
  • [1] Higher signal harmonics, LISA's angular resolution, and dark energy
    Arun, K. G.
    Iyer, Bala R.
    Sathyaprakash, B. S.
    Sinha, Siddhartha
    Van den Broeck, Chris
    [J]. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 2007, 76 (10):
  • [2] Publisher's note: Selection of special orientations in relativistic collisions of deformed heavy nuclei (vol 76, art no 051902, 2007)
    Nepali, C.
    Fai, G.
    Keane, D.
    [J]. PHYSICAL REVIEW C, 2007, 76 (06):
  • [3] Publisher's Note: Constrained molecular dynamics for quantifying intrinsic ductility versus brittleness (vol 76, art no 144115, 2007)
    Tanguy, D.
    [J]. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 2007, 76 (18):
  • [4] Publisher's note: Hot QCD equations of state and relativistic heavy ion collisions (vol 76, art no 054909, 2007)
    Chandra, Vinod
    Kumar, Ravindra
    Ravishankar, V.
    [J]. PHYSICAL REVIEW C, 2007, 76 (06):
  • [5] Publisher's Note:: Energy and angular momentum densities of stationary gravitational fields (vol 75, pg 024040, 2007)
    Lynden-Bell, D.
    Katz, Joseph
    Bicak, Jiri
    [J]. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 2007, 75 (04):
  • [6] Publisher's Note:: Study of exclusive charmless semileptonic B decays and extraction of |Vub| at CLEO (vol 76, art no 012007, 2007)
    Asner, D. M.
    Edwards, K. W.
    Briere, R. A.
    Ferguson, T.
    Tatishvili, G.
    Vogel, H.
    Watkins, M. E.
    Rosner, J. L.
    Adam, N. E.
    Alexander, J. P.
    Cassel, D. G.
    Duboscq, J. E.
    Ehrlich, R.
    Fields, L.
    Gibbons, L.
    Gray, R.
    Gray, S. W.
    Hartill, D. L.
    Heltsley, B. K.
    Hertz, D.
    Jones, C. D.
    Kandaswamy, J.
    Kreinick, D. L.
    Kuznetsov, V. E.
    Mahlke-Kruger, H.
    Meyer, T. O.
    Onyisi, P. U. E.
    Patterson, J. R.
    Peterson, D.
    Pivarski, J.
    Riley, D.
    Ryd, A.
    Sadoff, A. J.
    Schwarthoff, H.
    Shi, X.
    Stroiney, S.
    Sun, W. M.
    Wilksen, T.
    Weinberger, M.
    Athar, S. B.
    Patel, R.
    Potlia, V.
    Yelton, J.
    Rubin, P.
    Cawlfield, C.
    Eisenstein, B. I.
    Karliner, I.
    Kim, D.
    Lowrey, N.
    Naik, P.
    [J]. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 2007, 76 (03):
  • [7] Publisher's note:: Yrast studies of 80,82Se using deep-inelastic reactions (vol 76, art no 054317, 2007)
    Jones, G. A.
    Regan, P. H.
    Podolyak, Zs.
    Yoshinaga, N.
    Higashiyama, K.
    de Angelis, G.
    Zhang, Y. H.
    Gadea, A.
    Ur, C. A.
    Axiotis, M.
    Bazzacco, D.
    Bucurescu, D.
    Farnea, E.
    Gelletly, W.
    Ionescu-Bujor, M.
    Iordachescu, A.
    Kroell, Th.
    Langdown, S. D.
    Lenzi, S.
    Lunardi, S.
    Marginean, N.
    Martinez, T.
    Medina, N. H.
    Menegazzo, R.
    Napoli, D. R.
    Quintana, B.
    Rubio, B.
    Rusu, C.
    Schwengner, R.
    Tonev, D.
    Dobon, J. J. Valiente
    von Oertzen, W.
    [J]. PHYSICAL REVIEW C, 2007, 76 (06):
  • [8] Publisher's note: Pairing states of a polarized Fermi gas trapped in a one-dimensional optical lattice (vol 76, art no 220508, 2007)
    Feiguin, A. E.
    Heidrich-Meisner, F.
    [J]. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 2008, 78 (09):
  • [9] Publisher's note: Exchange dynamics at the interface of nanoporous materials with their surroundings (vol 99, art no 228301, 2007)
    Heinke, L.
    Kortunov, P.
    Tzoulaki, D.
    Karger, J.
    [J]. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 2007, 99 (24)
  • [10] Publisher's Note: Statistical light-mode dynamics of multipulse passive mode locking (vol 76, artn no 031112, 2007)
    Weill, Rafi
    Vodonos, Boris
    Gordon, Ariel
    Gat, Omri
    Fischer, Baruch
    [J]. PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 2007, 76 (05):