Although research supports play for children's learning and development, many teachers and schools do not support play or relinquish it to recess or "If time." Teachers need to experience how they learn through play to advocate for play in their classrooms. It is not enough to say, "play is learning"; they need to learn through play. This study uses data from multiple classroom assignments in a course on early childhood curriculum to examine how these play-based assignments support preservice teachers' support for play and creativity in early childhood classrooms. The study found that preservice teachers had a positive shift to supporting play and creative experiences, including an appreciation of open-ended materials. They also developed understanding of children's perspectives, the value of play as adults and found that engaging in play and creative experiences was beneficial to preservice teachers' mental health and self-care. These findings reveal that if we want teachers to advocate for play and creativity in their classrooms, it is essential for them to have direct experiences learning through play and creativity themselves. Recommendations suggest that teacher educators should integrate authentic play experiences for play advocacy and support preservice teachers' mental health and well-being.
Ball State Univ, Dept Early Childhood Youth & Family Studies, Muncie, IN USABall State Univ, Dept Early Childhood Youth & Family Studies, Muncie, IN USA