The microbiological properties of different low-fat fresh Kashar cheeses made from cow's milk and containing either protein-based (1 % w/w Avicel-Plus (TM) CM-2159 or 1 % w/w Simplesse (R) D-100) or carbohydrate-based (0.4 % w/w beta-glucan) fat replacers were investigated during a ripening period of 90 days. Full-fat Kashar cheese and low-fat Kashar cheese without fat replacers; were also examined, for comparison. The cheeses were analyzed for coliforms, total mesophilic bacteria, yeasts, moulds, psychrotrophic yeasts, psychrotrophic bacteria, lipolytic yeasts, lipolytic bacteria, proteolytic microorganisms and total lactic acid bacteria counts. While coliforms were not detected in any of the Kashar cheese samples throughout the ripening period, total mesophilic bacteria, psychrotrophic bacteria, and lactic acid bacteria were the three major components of Kashar cheese microflora. In general, the use of fat replacers did not significantly affect the microbiological properties of Kashar cheese.