The NOx and SO2 emissions from MSW combustion in CO2/O-2 atmosphere were studied using a lab-scale electrically heated tube furnace. The shape, peaks location, and peaks values of NOx concentration curves all changed with temperature. In comparison, regarding these three characteristics of SO2 concentration curves, only peaks values were affected by temperature. The shape and peaks location of NOx and SO2 concentration curves changed with atmosphere indistinctively, but their peaks values, maximal average emissions, and the corresponding temperature were affected by atmosphere. Replacement of N-2 by CO2 reduced NOx emission when the temperature was higher than or equal to 800 degrees C, but reduced SO2 emission when the temperature was lower than 1000 degrees C. At 1000 degrees C, some improvement measures, such as adding appropriate sorbents, were required in 80CO(2)/20O(2) to achieve removal characteristics of SO2 and NOx simultaneously. The maximal desulphurization efficiency of CaO in 80CO(2)/20O(2) atmosphere (34.4% at 800 degrees C) or limestone in 80N(2)/20O(2) atmosphere (23.4% at 900 degrees C) was lower than that of limestone in 80CO(2)/20O(2) atmosphere (43.3% at 1000 degrees C), indicating that direct sulfation in 80CO(2)/20O(2) atmosphere was favourable for high desulphurization degree and consequently enabled better sorbent utilization. Besides, to obtain higher desulphurization efficiency at high temperature. Ca/S ratio should be increased. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.