The expanded granular sludge bed bioreactor appears today as a cheap, robust and more popular technology because it operates using a fluidized bed, which allows increasing in organic load and in cell retention times, generating higher treatment efficiencies (up to 95 %) and renewable energy (i.e., biogas, biomethane, and biohydrogen). Nevertheless, the efficiency of this bioreactor mainly depends on the operating conditions. Thus, the content presented in this review paper focuses on the analysis of the operating conditions and performance of expanded granular sludge bed bioreactor for treating different types of industrial, agro-industrial and domestic wastewaters (e.g., agro-food, beverage, alcohol distillery, tannery, slaughterhouse, chemical, pharmaceutical, municipal sewage, among others). Because of this reason, this study aimed to analyze the operating conditions and type of substrate, which has been used in these bioreactors to improve future research to wastewater treatment and renewable energy production. According to the review, it is concluded that the EGSB bioreactor is a novel sustainable alternative to treat different types of wastewaters and consequently change the paradigm of wastewater management from "treatment and disposal" to "beneficial use" as well as "profitable effort". (C) 2019 GJESM. All rights reserved.