Rare centimeter-sized superzoned garnets (SZGs) were discovered in two coesite-bearing whiteschists of the Brossasco-Isasca Unit (BIU), southern Dora-Maira massif (DMM), Western Alps. The superzoned garnet consists of a reddish-brown almandine core crowded with inclusions of staurolite, chloritoid, kyanite, chlorite and paragonite, and of a pinkish pyrope rim with sporadic inclusions of kyanite, and magnesian chlorite. The core-rim contact is relatively sharp and marks the termination of the inclusion-rich portion. The core composition of the superzoned garnet is almost identical to, or slightly richer in Mg, than that of the rim of porphyroblastic garnet in metapelites from the same unit. In the rim of the superzoned garnet, Mg-Fe ratio increases abruptly towards the outermost rim, whose composition is identical to that of the common pyrope in the whiteschist. At the core-rim boundary, there is no chemical gap. Chloritoid and staurolite are common inclusions in the core of the superzoned garnet in the whiteschist and in the porphyroblastic garnet in the metapelite. The staurolite composition (Si = 2.00 and total R2+ < 2.0 for O = 23 basis) and its reverse Fe-Mg distribution with respect to garnet suggest a HP origin. The Fe-Mg distribution between chloritoid and garnet is reverse in the superzoned garnet, but normal in the garnet of metapelite. Because normal Fe-Mg distribution was reported from other eclogite-facies metapelites, a model petrogenetic grid was constructed in the FMASH model system considering St, Cld, Ky, Chi, Grt, and assuming the following Fe-Mg partitioning of St > Grt > Cld > Chi. The resulting petrogenetic grid suggests that the core of the superzoned garnet contains incompatible assemblages, such as St-Cld-Chl vs. Cld-Chl-Ky. New and literature data and results of experiments in the KFASH system suggest that: (1) the superzoned garnet was formed under a single prograde high-pressure /ultra high-pressure (HP/UHP) Alpine metamorphism, (2) the almandine inclusion-rich core of the superzoned garnet crystallized at disequilibrium in a pelitic composition system at around 600 degreesC and less than 16 kbar, probably from a former metapelite xenolith included in a Variscan granitoid, and (3) the chemical environment of the host rock suddenly changed from the normal pelite to the whiteschist composition by a metasomatic process during the rim growth, i.e., at a stage close to the UHP climax. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.