We investigated incidences of Fusarium head blight (FHB) and concentrations of six mycotoxins (deoxynivalenol, nivalenol, 3-acetyldeoxynivalenol, T-2 toxin, HT-2 toxin and zearalenone) in wheat from 2010 to 2013. Field trials were conducted at the Experimental Station of Cultivar Testing in Chrzastowo, Poland (53 degrees 11'N, 17 degrees 35'E). We examined the effects of four agronomic factors, including pre-crop type (corn, sugar beets and wheat), date of sowing (late autumn: November 8-December 9 or spring: March 29-April 19), fungicidal application (untreated or treated with two applications) and cultivar (Monsun, Cytra), on FHB index (FHBi) and mycotoxin levels in order to minimize the risk of wheat grain contamination by mycotoxins via integrated pest management methods. The dominant Fusarium species observed on wheat heads were F. culmorum, F. avenaceum (Gibberella avenacea) and F. graminearum (Gibberella zeae), at 21.1%, 17.2% and 7.1%, respectively. A monthly rainfall sum of 113.9 mm and a relatively low air temperature (monthly average 15.5 degrees C) resulted in the highest FHBi in untreated wheat (25.1%). Agronomic factors crucial for the FHB incidence were the pre-crop, fungicidal treatments and cultivar selection. In wheat planted after wheat or corn, the FHBi was higher compared with a pre-crop of sugar beet. A double application of fungicides at BBCH 30-32 with prothioconazole and spiroxamine and at a BBCH 65 with fluoxastrobin and prothioconazole effectively reduced the FHBi and mycotoxin concentrations, respectively, in grain. The cultivar 'Cytra' had a greater FHBi (10.4%) than 'Monsun' (4.6%), and grain infestations by Fusarium species were also greater in 'Cytra', at 16.5%, than in 'Monsun', at 11.2%. Untreated cv. Cytra grown after corn in spring produced grains with the highest amounts of the mycotoxins, deoxynivalenol, 3-acetyldeoxynivalenol, zearalenone and HT-2 (605, 103, 17.5 and 5.53 mu g/kg, respectively). Total mycotoxin levels in wheat were correlated with five determinants: duration of the period between the end of flowering and the beginning of kernel abscission, FHBi, F. culmorum isolation, G. zeae isolation and Fusarium ratio (FR) as a % of total mould isolations. Although, the mean concentration of mycotoxins in grain did not exceed the maximum permissible values for unprocessed wheat our study suggests necessity to monitor and mitigate FHB risk for susceptible cultivars, when wheat spring sowing follows corn or wheat.