Cross-enterprise electronic patient records are a key element in the design of interoperable medical care networks and process chains. However, the different requirements concerning type, performance and quality assurance of available communication services within the different healthcare sectors still require that the hospitals participate in various secure communication networks which have to be bridged for cross-sectoral communication. Cross-institutional pathways for telemedicine, however, can be mapped both within and across sectoral boundaries via automated process chains using the IHE (Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise) defined integration profile CrossEnterprise Document Sharing (XDS) and associated integration profiles. The provision of medical documents in a cross-institutional patient record outside of defined medical pathways requires differentiated authorization management. In this respect, consent documents according to the IHE APPC (Advanced Patient Privacy Consents) profile enable the documentation of the patient's consent, including information about planned authorized people, document types, period and type of document access allowed. Providing access control to medical documentation by the patients themselves is an essential part of the required focusing of medical services on patients. New interoperability standards optimized for use on mobile devices, such as FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources), will enable simplified delivery of patient-centered health records and other medical services on mobile platforms in the future.