Deep brain stimulation (DBS) has been used for the treatment of tremor and dystonia in adults since 1997. With more than 50,000 treated adults, it has become part of the standard care for pharmacoresistant tremor, Parkinson disease, and dystonias. Dystonias are a heterogeneous group of disorders with intrinsic (genetic) and extrinsic etiologic factors. In children and adults, DBS has been used for the treatment of both primary and secondary dystonias. Pediatric use has been more limited, with only a few experienced centers worldwide. Awake surgery can be safely performed with a dedicated multidisciplinary team approach to help ensure appropriate lead placement. It is incumbent upon us, as physicians, to advise patients and payers on the appropriate use of this technology. Neuromodulation of other disorders, including epilepsy, Tourette syndrome, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and depression, by DBS is under active investigation. Pediatric DBS is still in its early stages; experience will help us refine the indications and techniques for applying this complex technology to our most vulnerable patients, which should lead to our common goal of improving quality of life for our patients and their families. We review the role of DBS and our experience with establishing a dedicated pediatric DBS program. Semin Pediatr Neurol 16:90-98 (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier Inc.