New neotropical genus of Spintharinae (Araneae, Theridiidae). Neopisinus gen. nov. is proposed on the type species Neopisinus fiapo sp. nov., based on male and female specimens from Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Neopisinus differs from all Spintharinae by having the male palp with an enormous trifid conductor with two pointed structures and the third one apically bifurcated and by the characteristic shape of the theridioid tegular apophyses with a terminal and a dorsal lobes. The female genitalia has the inconspicuous opening anteriorly on a transversal sclerotized slit and internally a tubular longitudinal median thickening, where the copulatory ducts run in their initial trajectory. From northern Brazil, Neopisinus urucu sp. nov. is described based on both sexes. Seven species are transferred from Episinus to Neopisinus: N. bigibbosus (O. P.-Cambridge, 1896), N. bruneoviridis (Mello-Leitao, 1948), N. cognatus (O. P.-Cambridge, 1893), N. gratiosus (Bryant, 1940), N. longipes (Keyserling, 1884), N. putus (O. P.-Cambridge, 1894) and N. recifensis (Levi, 1964). The male of N. longipes and the female of N. recifensis are described for the first time. New records and illustrations of N. bruneoviridis are provided.