Objectives: To determine whether an intervention based on education and professional support to nursing home (NH) staff would decrease the number of residents with a pain complaint, and to determine whether the intervention would improve pain management. Design: Nonrandomized controlled trial. NHs were nonrandomly allocated either to a strong intervention group consisting in audit, feedback, and collaborative work on quality indicators with a hospital geriatrician, or to a light intervention group (LIG) consisting in audit and feedback only. Setting: One hundred fifty-nine NHs located in France. Participants: A subgroup of 3722 residents. Measures: Information on pain complaint and pain-related covariates at the resident-related and at the NH level were recorded by NH staff at baseline and 18 months later. These covariates were included in a mixed-effects logistic regression on resident's pain complaint. Pain management was compared between intervention groups by chi-square tests. Results: A greater reduction of residents with a pain complaint after the strong intervention (odds ratio 0.69, 95% confidence interval 0.53, 0.90) and a better pain management (47.6% gold standard, vs 30.6% in the LIG, P <.001) than controls. Conclusion/Implications: Combining educational and organizational measures, evaluating pain as a patient-reported outcome and as a process endpoint, and implementing a broad-spectrum intervention were original approaches to improve quality of care in NHs. Our results support nonspecific, collaborative, educational, and organizational interventions in NHs to decrease residents' pain complaint and improve pain management. (c) 2018 AMDA - The Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine.