This article prepares an overview of the legal framework of Article (Art.) 27 Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), the Right to Work. It highlights the States Parties obligations, especially avoiding discrimination and providing accessibility to the open labour market. The right to work and employment as a social human right is subject to Art. 4 paragraph (para.) 2 CRPD, and has to be realized progressively by a State Party to the maximum of its available resources. Regarding the implementation of Art. 27 CRPD a lot of States Parties face the situation of sheltered workshops in their countries. The question, if the current situation in the member states corresponds to the requirements of Art. 27 CRPD, and alternatives to sheltered workshops, are discussed. Finally, the importance of Goal 8.5 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is reasoned.