Wave-pipelining enables a digital circuit to be operated at a higher frequency. In the literature, only trial-and-error and manual procedures are adopted for the choice of the optimum value of clock frequency and clock skew between the input and output registers of wave-pipelined circuits. One of the major contributions of this paper is the proposal for automating the above procedure. A second contribution is the study of how logic depths determine the superiority of wave-pipelining over pipelining with regard to power dissipation. For the study and implementation of wave-pipelined circuits, filters using the distributed arithmetic algorithm are considered. In this paper, two automation schemes are proposed for the implementation of the wave-pipelined filters on both Xilinx and Altera field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). In the first scheme, a self-tuning finite state machine (FSM) is used to choose the clock skew and clock period for I/O registers between the wave-pipelined blocks. In the second approach, an on-chip soft-core processor is used to choose the clock skew and clock period. To test the efficacy of the schemes proposed, filters with different taps are implemented using three schemes: synchronous pipelining, sub-optimal wave-pipelining and no pipelining (i.e. using neither synchronous pipelining nor wave-pipelining). From the implementation results, it is observed that wave-pipelined distributed arithmetic (DA) filters are faster by a factor of 1.31-1.61 compared to non-pipelined DA filters. The synchronous pipelined DA filters are in turn faster by a factor of 1.73-3.27 compared to the wave-pipelined DA filters. The increased speeds are achieved in the pipelined filters at the cost of an increase in the number of slices by 15-33% and in the number of registers by 350-530%. To compare the power dissipation, both pipelined and wave-pipelined DA filters are tested by operating them at the same frequency. For medium logic depths, the wave-pipelined DA filters dissipate less power than pipelined filters.