Two important types of observed score equating (OSE) methods for the non-equivalent groups with Anchor Test (NEAT) design are chain equating (CE) and post-stratification equating (PSE). CE and PSE reflect two distinctly different ways of using the information provided by the anchor test for computing OSE functions. Both types of methods include linear and nonlinear equating functions. In practical situations, it is known that the PSE and CE methods will give different results when the two groups of examinees differ on the anchor test. However, given that both types of methods are justified as OSE methods by making different assumptions about the missing data in the NEAT design, it is difficult to conclude which, if either, of the two is more correct in a particular situation. This study compares the predictions of the PSE and CE assumptions for the missing data using a special data set for which the usually missing data are available. Our results indicate that in an equating setting where the linking function is decidedly non-linear and CE and PSE ought to be different, both sets of predictions are quite similar but those for CE are slightly more accurate.