Cellular automata (CA) are important as prototypical, spatially extended, discrete dynamical systems. Because the problem of forecasting dynamic behavior of CA is undecidable, various parameter-based approximations have been developed to address the problem. Out of the analysis of the most important parameters available to this end we proposed some guidelines that should be followed when defining a parameter of that kind. Based upon the guidelines, new parameters were proposed and a set of five parameters was selected; two of them were drawn from the literature and three are new ones, defined here. This article presents all of them and makes their qualities evident. Then, two results are described, related to the use of the parameter set in the Elementary Rule Space: a phase transition diagram, and some general heuristics for forecasting the dynamics of one-dimensional CA. Finally, as an example of the application of the selected parameters in high cardinality spaces, results are presented from experiments involving the evolution of radius-3 CA in the Density Classification Task, and radius-2 CA in the Synchronization Task.