Tunnels often suffered severe seismic damage when passing through the active fault in high intensity earthquake area. The fault movement might be divided into fault movement and seismic motion under the strong earthquake action, and both of them could have the significant influence on the stability of tunnel structure. To improve the seismic performance of the mountain tunnel through fault, a design idea or method of the between sectional tunnel structures with the flexible joint were put forward to run through the active fault and verified or analyzed by using the shaking table test. Firstly, the typical seismic damage characteristics of the tunnel passing through the fault were analyzed after Wenchuan earthquake; secondly, the sectional tunnel linings with the flexible joint were designed in the active fault zone under the strong seismic motion, and the basic theory of this design method was presented in detail. Thirdly, the scaled model shaking table test was carried out to study the seismic performance of flexible joints of tunnels under the normal fault action, and some key parameters of the test was designed, including similarity relationship, boundary condition, sensor layout, input earthquake wave and flexible Joint design. The test results showed that the joints between sectional linings could make structure localize damage rather than global damage, and compared to seismic motion, the fault movement suffered more serious damage for the tunnel structure. The tunnel lining at hanging wall was more susceptible to damage or destroy than that at the footwall under the normal fault action, and the flexible joint could adapt to the differential deformation of fault during the strong earthquake. Lastly, the dynamic response of the tunnel lining demonstrated that the upper-structure of the tunnel mainly suffered the severe seismic load, while the lower-structure might experiences the imposed deformation of fault movement under strong earthquake motion. So the design method of the sectional tunnel lining with the flexible joint would be applied to tunnel structure design to improve the adaptive deformation ability of tunnel structure through active fault.