Two-component mixtures of candesartan cilexetil (CAN) and hydrochlorothiazide (HYD) were assayed by first derivative and ratio derivative spectrophotometry. The first method depends on zero-crossing and peak to base measurement. The first derivative amplitudes at 270.1 and 255.5 nm were selected for the assay of (CAN) and (HYD), respectively. The second method depends on first derivative of the ratio spectra by division of the absorption spectrum of the binary mixture by a normalized spectrum of one of the components and then calculating the first derivative of the ratio spectrum. The first derivative of the ratio amplitudes at 236, 250, 232, 267 and 280 nm were selected for the determination of (CAN) and (HYD), respectively. Calibration curves were established for 6.0-38.0 mug . ml(-1) for (CAN) and 4.0-28.0 mug . ml(-1) for (HYD) in binary mixtures. Good linearity, precision and selectivity were found, and the two methods were successfully applied to the pharmaceutical dosage form containing the above-mentioned drug combination without any interference by the excipients.