Learning Indonesian during the current COVID-19 pandemic is required to organize the learning process and use and select appropriate learning media. Teachers make efforts to meet these demands by developing competitive and comparative e-modules. Emodules can make it easier for teachers to understand in the making LMS using G-Suite. The development of this pdf e-module can improve Indonesian language media literacy. The e-module was developed using the Research and Development method. Based on the questionnaire results, it is known that scores of 60, 63, and 65 were achieved by one person or 1% each. Furthermore, as many as 13 persons or 18% got a score of 68, 14 persons or 20% got a score of 70, 11 persons or 16% got a score of 73, 9 persons or 13% got a score of 75, 11 persons or 16% got a score of 78, 8 persons or 11% got a score of 80, and 2 persons or 3% earned a score of 83. This shows that the development of the e-module for making LMS using G-Suite to improve Indonesian language media literacy got a good response from the teacher. In terms of the application's usability based on the SUS test, 73 was obtained. Based on material validation, media validation, and usability testing, the emodule for making LMS using G-Suite is a good category for being used as one of the supporting media in the Indonesian language learning process.