Motoneuron death in the spinal nucleus of the bulbocavernosus (SNB) and the dorsolateral nucleus (DLN) of the lumbar spinal cord is androgen regulated, As a result, many more SNB and DLN motoneurons die in perinatal female rats than in males, whereas treatment of newborn females with androgen results in a permanent sparing of the motoneurons and their target muscles. We previously observed that a neurotrophic molecule, ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF), also arrests the death of SNB motoneurons and their target musculature, at least in the short term, The present study compares the short- and long-term consequences of perinatal CNTF treatment on motoneuron number in the SNB, the DLN, and the retrodorsolateral nucleus (RDLN), a motor pool in the lower lumbar cord that does not exhibit hormone-regulated cell death, Female pups were treated with CNTF or vehicle alone from embryonic day 22 through postnatal day 6 (P6), Motoneuron number in each nucleus was then determined immediately after treatment on P7, or 10 weeks later (P77), CNTF treatment significantly elevated motoneuron number in the SNB and DLN on P7; the volume of SNB target muscles on P7 was also greater in the CNTF-treated group, These effects were transient, however, as motoneuron number and ratings of muscle size were not different in CNTF- and vehicle-treated females on P77, Perinatal CNTF treatment did not alter cell number in the RDLN at either age, The finding that effects of CNTF on SNB and DLN motoneuron number are short lived contrasts with the permanent effects of early androgen treatment, and has implications for molecular models of the actions of androgen and neurotrophic factors on the developing spinal cord. (C) 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.