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Long-term data with idebenone on respiratory function outcomes in patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy
Servais, Laurent
Straathof, Chiara S. M.
Schara, Ulrike
Klein, Andrea
Leinonen, Mika
Hasham, Shabir
Meier, Thomas
De Waele, Liesbeth
Gordish-Dressman, Heather
McDonald, Craig M.
Mayer, Oscar H.
Voit, Thomas
Mercuri, Eugenio
Buyse, Gunnar M.
[1] CHU Liege, Ctr Reference Neuromusculaire, Liege, Belgium
[2] Leiden Univ, Dept Neurol, Med Ctr, Leiden, Netherlands
[3] Univ Klinikum Essen, Zentrum Kinderheilkuntle, Sozialpadiatr Zentrum, Essen, Germany
[4] UKBB, Basel, Switzerland
[5] Inselspital Bern, Bern, Switzerland
[6] Santhera Pharmaceut, Pratteln, Switzerland
[7] Univ Hosp Leuven, Pediat Neurol, Herestr 49, B-3000 Leuven, Belgium
[8] George Washington Univ, Sch Med & Hlth Sci, Washington, DC 20052 USA
[9] Univ Calif Davis, Med Ctr, Sacramento, CA 95817 USA
[10] Childrens Hosp Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA 19104 USA
[11] Great Ormond St Hosp Trust, NIHR Great Ormond St Hosp Biomed Res Ctr, UCL Great Ormond St Inst Child Hlth, London, England
[12] Catholic Univ, Paediat Neurol Unit, Rome, Italy
[13] Fdn Policlin Gemelli IRCCS, Ctr Nemo, Rome, Italy
Respiratory function;
Duchenne muscular dystrophy;
Forced vital capacity;
Real world data;
D O I:
R74 [神经病学与精神病学];
Decline in respiratory function in patients with DMD starts during early teenage years and leads to early morbidity and mortality. Published evidence of efficacy for idebenone on respiratory function outcomes is currently limited to 12 months of follow-up time. Here we report data collected as retrospective cohort study (SYROS) from 18 DMD patients not using glucocorticoids who were treated with idebenone (900 mg/day) under Expanded Access Programs (EAPs). The objective was to assess the long-term respiratory function evolution for periods On-Idebenone compared to periods Off-Idebenone in the same patients. The mean idebenone exposure in the EAPs was 4.2 (range 2.4-6.1) years. The primary endpoint was the annual change in forced vital capacity percent of predicted (FVC%p) compared between Off-Idebenone and On-Idebenone periods. The annual rate of decline in FVC%p was reduced by approximately 50% from -7.4% (95% CI: -9.1, -5.8) for the Off-Idebenone periods to -3.8% (95% CI: -4.8, -2.8) for the On-Idebenone periods (N = 11). Similarly, annual change in peak expiratory flow percent of predicted (PEF%p) was -5.9% (95% CI: -8.0, -3.9) for the Off-Idebenone periods (N = 9) and reduced to -1.9% (95% CI: -3.2, -0.7) for the On-Idebenone periods during the EAPs. The reduced rates of decline in FVC%p and PEF%p were maintained for several years with possible beneficial effects on the rate of bronchopulmonary adverse events, time to 10% decline in FVC%p and risk of hospitalization due to respiratory cause. These long-term data provide Class IV evidence to further support the disease modifying treatment effect of idebenone previously observed in randomized, controlled trials. (C) 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
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