A mutation endowing herbicide resistance is often found to induce a parallel morphological or fitness penalty. To test whether such 'cost' of resistance to herbicides is expressed through lower resource acquisition, changes in resource allocation, or both, is of ecological significance. Here, we analysed 12 morphological traits in 900 plants covering three herbicide resistance mutations at genes AUX1, AXR1 and AXR2 in the model species Arabidopsis thaliana. Comparing these 2,4-D herbicide-resistant homozygous (RR) and heterozygous (RS) plants to homozygous susceptible (SS) plants, this analysis estimates the dominance level of the resistance allele on morphology. We also demonstrated that the herbicide resistance cost was primarily expressed as a change in resource acquisition (62.1-94% of the analysed traits). Although AUX1, AXR1 and AXR2 genes act in the same metabolic pathway of auxin response, each resistance factor was found to have its own unique signature in the way the cost was expressed. Furthermore, no link was observed between the absolute fitness penalty and the respective modifications of resource acquisition and/or resource allocation in the resistant plants. These results and their implications for herbicide resistance spread and establishment are discussed.