From the perspective of psychology, a modified artificial bee colony algorithm (ABC, for short) based on adaptive search equation and extended memory (ABCEM, for short) for global optimization is proposed in this paper. In the proposed ABCEM algorithm, an extended memory factor is introduced into store employed bees' and onlooker bees' historical information comprising recent food sources, personal best food sources, and global best food sources, and the solution search equation for the employed bees is equipped with adaptive ability. Moreover, a parameter is employed to describe the importance of the extended memory. Furthermore, the extended memory is added to two solution search equations for the employed bees and the onlookers to improve the quality of food source. To evaluate the proposed algorithm, experiments are conducted on a set of numerical benchmark functions. The results show that the proposed algorithm can balance the exploration and exploitation, and can improve the accuracy of optima solutions and convergence speed compared with other current improved ABCs for global optimization in most of the tested functions.