Background Nursing homes (NHs) are populated by the frailest older people who have multiple physical or mental conditions and palliative care needs that may convey the violation of dignity. Although dignity is a commonly used concept and a core value of end-of-life care, it is assumed to be complex, ambiguous, and multivalent. Thus, the aim of this study was to explore aspects of dignity in older persons' everyday lives in a NH. Design A focused ethnographic study design. Methods Data consisted of 170 h of fieldwork, including observations (n = 39) with residents (n = 19) and assistant nurses (n = 22) in a Swedish NH. Interviews were undertaken with residents several times (in total, n = 35, mean 70 min/resident). To study dignity and dignity-related concerns, we used the Chochinov model of dignity to direct the deductive analysis. Results The study showed that residents suffered from illness-related concerns that inhibited their possibilities to live a dignified life at the NH. Their failing bodies were the most significant threat to their dignity, as loss of abilities was constantly progressing. Together with a fear of becoming more dependent, this caused feelings of agony, loneliness, and meaninglessness. The most dignity-conserving repertoire came from within themselves. Their self-knowledge had provided them with tools to distinguish what was still possible from what they just had to accept. Socially, the residents' dignity depended on assistant nurses' routines and behaviour. Their dignity was violated by long waiting times, lack of integrity in care, deteriorating routines, and also by distanced and sometimes harsh encounters with assistant nurses. Because the residents cherished autonomy and self-determination, while still needing much help, these circumstances placed them in a vulnerable situation. Conclusions According to residents' narratives, important dignity-conserving abilities came from within themselves. Dignity-conserving interventions did occur, such as emphatic listening and bodily care, performed in respect for residents' preferences. However, no strategies for future crises or preparing for death were observed. To protect residents' dignity, NHs must apply a palliative care approach to provide holistic care that comprises attention to personal, bodily, social, spiritual, and psychological needs to increase well-being and prevent suffering.