Gas chromatography, palynomorph constituents, and maturation are analyzed for oil samples of the Campanian Khasib and Tannuma Formations in the wells of East Baghdad oil field for biomarker studies, while palynomorph constituents and their maturation, Rock Eval pyrolysis, total organic carbon (TOC) analysis are carried on for the Upper Jurassic and the Cretaceous Formations of core samples from the same wells for dating and evaluation of the source rocks. The gas chromatography of these oils have shown biomarkers of abundant ranges of n-alkanes of less than C(22)(C(17)-C(21)) with C(19) and C(18) peaks to suggest mainly liquid oil constituents of paraffinic hydrocarbons from marine algal source of restricted palaeoenvironments in the reservoir as well as low nonaromatic C(15), location is in the triangle of C(27)-C(29) sterane, C28/C29 of 0.6 sterane, oleanane of 0.01, and CPI = 1.0, could indicate anoxic marine environment with carbonate deposition of Upper Jurassic-Early Cretaceous source. The recorded palynomorph constituents in this oil and associated water are four miospore, seven dinoflagellates, and one Tasmanite species that could confirm affinity to the Upper most Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous Chia Gara and Ratawi Formations. The recorded palynomorphs from the reservoir oil (Khasib and Tannuma Formations) are of light brown color of TAI 2.8 - 3.0 and comparable to the mature palynomorphs that belong to Chia Gara and Lower part of Ratawi Formations. Chia Gara Formation had generated and expelled high quantity of oil hydrocarbons according their TOC weight percent of 0.5-8.5 with S(2) = 2.5 - 18: 5 mgHc/g rock, high hydrogen index of the range 150-450 mg Hc/g Rock, good petroleum potential of 4.5-23.5 mg Hc/g rock, mature (TAI 2.8-3.0 and Tmax 428 - 443C),, kerogen type II, and palynofacies parameters of up to 100 amorphous organic matters with algae deposited in dysoxic-anoxic to suboxic-anoxic basin, while the palynomorphs of the rocks of Khasib Formation are of amber yellow color of TAI = 2.0 with low TOC and hence not generated hydrocarbons. But, this last formation could be considered as oil reservoir only according their high porosity (15-23%) and permeability (20-45 mD) carbonate rocks with structural anticline closure trending NW-SE. That oil have generated and expelled during two phases; the first is during Early Palaeogene that accumulated in traps of the Cretaceous structural deformation, while the second is during Late Neogene's.