This research adopts the Delphi Technique to investigate the opinions from 100 Nanotechnology experts in Taiwan upon two questions: 'Is it suitable to incorporate Nanotechnology into the science courses for 3(rd) to 6(th) graders?', and 'What core abilities emphasized by the science courses are suitable for the incorporation?'. Distribution as well as collection of the questionnaires was conducted in three rounds with 49, 20, and 18 valid questionnaires returned respectively. Departing from the 8 core abilities emphasized by the science courses for 3(rd) to 6(th) graders in Taiwan, the finding of the investigation has been sorted in prioritized order, and examined via Kendall's omega on consistence. The result, 0.01, shows significant consistence, in which 86% of the subjects, i.e. Nano-experts, find the incorporation necessary. Furthermore, over 50% of the subjects find four core abilities suitable for the incorporation; they are: attitude toward science, understanding of science and technology, thinking skills, and scientific applications.