Human creative very be required for building a family and development nation. A creativity that is defined as something process and in sense product that a dimension individual. Person creative that have the characteristics of the smooth (Fluency), flexibility (Flexibility), original (Originality), decomposition (Elaboration), and formulation return (redefinition). Make person creative need an attitude education, between various attitude education attitude democratic that very important because attitude democratic do not oppressive aspiration and shut down diversity and dissent, creativity sink because of power good rule person old, teacher, or person other than taking effect apart from that not give freedom that as possible to do What that desirable, no detrimental to its development and when there is that Chatter. Attitude democratic give appreciation and opportunities for difference opinion, opinion and action cherished that is based on the fact that correct for the benefit of developing child. The opinion that correct is the opinion that helpful for development not which will trap them in an activity that adverse developments. Principle democracy that needs note is development empathy and concern, the integrity, honesty, respect privacy child and extinguish emotions. Moral that negative. Think realistic do since early. Development attitude optimistic forward depression and low achievement with depression disruption soul could resolve, attitude excuses me need be avoided so that they can optimistic. Develop power create child need to be paid to the skills that helpful mentioned will create skills social and skills speak that supported flavor humorous need note, Besides that friendship with friend coeval important for a child so they could influence a social child, here required exemplary that good.