Exploitation of fossil fuel sources in the power generation and transportation sector has been a major source of carbon dioxide emissions that contributes to global warming. Replacement of hydrocarbon-based fuel sources with cleaner fuels is imperative for environmental preservation at the global level. In this regard, hydrogen can be used as an effective non-carbonaceous fuel option as well as an energy carrier. Canada is currently one of the economically advanced countries in the world and aims at achieving a net-zero economy by 2050. However, fossil fuels are still largely utilized for both transportation and power generation purposes. Slightly less than a quarter of the total grid power in Canada is supplied through fossil fuel combustion including natural gas, coal, and petroleum. As a matter of fact, Canada, as one of the top ten global producers of hydrogen, exhibits a great potential of achieving the goal of sustainable development. Thus, this paper discusses the current status, challenges, and opportunities offered by the hydrogen sector and its development in the near-and long-term future in Canada. The potential methods of hydrogen production in Canada are described by categorizing them according to the energy and feedstock sources required for their realization. In addition, the status of hydrogen storage and distribution in Canada is also discussed. Various sectors consuming hydrogen as the end-users in Canada are categorized based on hydrogen use as a fuel, a heating source, and an industrial feedstock and are comprehensively discussed. Several challenges and the necessary line-of-actions to establish a hydrogen economy in Canada in the longterm future are also discussed, and a road map for accomplishing the net-zero economy by 2050 is further explained based on achieving certain near-term, mid-term, and long-term goals. Moreover, the job creation opportunities in Canada are discussed by considering numerous critical sectors. (c) 2022 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.