The measures of the average and variability of soil fertility indexes can vary with the sampling tool and soil tillage type. Soil sampling methods must be developed that are more reliable to represent the real conditions of soil fertility. This study aimed at an evaluation of the effects of the cutting shovel and hand auger on measures of average and variability of the soil fertility index (a) under no-tillage (NT) and conventional tillage (CT), (b) to estimate the minimum number of simple samples to form a composite sample and (c) to test the hypothesis that the arithmetic average of simple samples is equal to the result of the chemical analysis of the composite sample. Chromic Luvisol samples were collected in a control experiment of soil tillage type, planted with corn. In a 81 m(2) plot under NT 48 simple soil samples were collected, 24 with a cutting shovel (perpendicularly to the furrow and in-between two furrows) and 24 with auger hole, in controlled sampling (four samples collected in the planting furrow, 8 to 10 cm away from the furrow and 12 inbetween the furrows), close to the points of sampling with the cutting shovel. The procedure was repeated in a second plot under CT. Composite samples of different numbers of simple samples (4, 8, 12, 16 and 24 simple samples/composite samples), with three repetitions were prepared for each combination of soil tillage type - collection tool. The pH and the contents of P, K+Ca2+, Mg(2+)and organic matter (OM) were determined in all simple and composite samples. The variability of the evaluated characteristics in samples collected with auger hole was greater than with the cutting shovel, independent of the soil tillage type. For both collection tools, the decreasing order of variability was: P > Mg2+ > K+ > Ca2+ > OM > pH. The medium fertility of a field under NT or under CT after the crop and before subsequent soil preparation can be evaluated with the auger hole, substituting the cutting shovel, if the composite sample consists of 17% of simple samples collected in the planting furrow, 33% at a distance of 10 cm from the furrow and 50% in the middle between the furrows. The mean fertility of a field under NT or CT after the crop and before the subsequent soil preparation, evaluated by the chemical analysis of the composite sample, is similar to that evaluated by the arithmetic average of the chemical analyses of the simple samples collected with cutting shovel or with auger hole in a controlled manner, as used here. In general, a minimum of eight simple samples collected with cutting shovel or hand auger would be enough to form a representative composite sample for evaluation of the soil fertility of a unit of seemingly homogeneous sampling. However, the higher the number of collected simple samples, the more reliable or accurate is the medium fertility estimate.