Agriocnemis lepida sp. nov. is described and figured (holotype male: 20 ii 2003, Lao PDR, Khammouan Province, 2.5 km WNW Ban Tathot, Tham Kamouk, 17.6316 degrees N, 105.1250 degrees E, 200 m a.s.l., P. Jager leg.; deposited at the Forschungsinstitut and Naturmuseum Senckenberg, Frankfurt am Main, Germany). Additionally, illustrations of the male appendages and the posterior lobe of the prothorax of A. clauseni, A. minima, and A. nana as well as photographs and a Selys watercolour of the female holotype of A. carmelita are provided. Agriocnemis carmelita is shortly discussed with references to the genus Mortonagrion.