Venn diagrams are widely used tools for graphical depiction of the unions, intersections and distinctions among multiple datasets, and a large number of programs have been developed to generate Venn diagrams for applications in various research areas. However, a comprehensive review comparing these tools has not been previously performed. In this review, we collect Venn diagram generators (i.e. tools for visualizing the relationships of input lists within a Venn diagram) and Venn diagram application tools (i.e. tools for analyzing the relationships between biological data and visualizing them in a Venn diagram) to compare their functional capacity as follows: ability to generate high-quality diagrams; maximum datasets handled by each program; input data formats; output diagram styles and image output formats. We also evaluate the picture beautification parameters of the Venn diagram generators in terms of the graphical layout and briefly describe the functional characteristics of the most popular Venn diagram application tools. Finally, we discuss the challenges in improving Venn diagram application tools and provide a perspective on Venn diagram applications in bioinformatics. Our aim is to assist users in selecting suitable tools for analyzing and visualizing user-defined datasets.