Increasing demand for seafood products and rising demand for fish meal for commercial fish feeds is driving the search for effective alternative protein sources. Twin-screw extrusion trials were conducted to study the production of nutritionally balanced feeds for rainbow trout fingerlings (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Six isocaloric (approximate to 4.61 kcal/g) ingredient blends with a target protein content of >45% db were formulated with 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50% distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS) and other feed ingredients. The moisture contents of the diets were initially adjusted to 5-7% clb, and then extruded at 250 rpm using dual 1.9 mm dies with varying amounts of steam (7.2-7.7 kg/hr) injected into the conditioner and water (4.3-6.5 kg/hr) into the extruder. Mass flow rates, moisture contents, and temperatures were measured during processing and moisture content, water activity, unit density, bulk density, expansion ratio, compressive strength, compressive modulus, pellet durability index, water stability, and color were analyzed to quantify the effects of varying DDGS content on the extrudate physical properties. Significant differences (P < 0.05) among the blends were observed for color and bulk density for both the raw and extruded materials, respectively, and for the unit density and pellet durability index of the extruded products. There were also significant changes in redness and yellowness, but only minor changes in brightness, among the final products with increasing DDGS content. The compressive strength of the extrudates increased significantly with increasing DDGS. Expansion ratio of all pellets was low. All extruded diets achieved very good water stability.