The study of oceans is an essential aspect from strategic, economic and ocean engineering points of view. Recent advancements in SONAR (Sound Navigation and Ranging) technology for under water applications including naval defence demand a clear understanding of the sound propagation in the ocean which is vital for detection of a target. As compared to deep waters, the detection in coastal waters is relatively a challenging task. Detection becomes still complex in the littoral waters. To ensure success in these highly complex oceanic regions, high resolution descriptions/predictions of past, current and future conditions (hindcast, nowcast and forecast) as well the analysis of open ocean, coastal, and nearshore/littoral zones around the Indian continent is an essential pre-requisite. At any given situation, the detection and discrimination of an underwater target is highly dependant on the propagation characteristics of the medium, the surface and bottom boundaries, leaving apart the efficiency of the SONAR system and the type of the target. It can be either a SONAR performance model or an operational model for tactical warfare; one has to have the predicted sound speed for the 3-dimensional ocean environment concerned since it is not always feasible to depend only on measurements. There are on-going programs of collecting and analyzing ocean and atmospheric data and a wide range of research and development activities, some of which are reviewed/presented in this paper with typical examples. In addition to in-situ measurements, significant progress has been achieved in India by demonstrating the utility of satellite based remote sensing data for oceanographic research and applications. By utilizing the existing and on-going experimental data from the regions of interest, it has become feasible for implementation of an integrated "Naval Operational Ocean Prediction System" consisting of wave, tide, circulation and internal wave models. The ocean environmental information predicted by these ocean models shall provide necessary inputs to the SONAR range prediction models for routine operational use, tactical operations and simulating warfare scenarios.