Assembly is one of the most important stages for product development. Assembly-oriented design (AOD) is a new approach to designing assemblies, which uses a number of design and analysis tools to help the designer plan out and analyze candidate assembly schemes prior to having detailed knowledge of the geometry of the parts. Using this approach. many assembly schemes can be inexpensively evaluated for their ability to deliver the important characteristics of the final product. This research proposes a knowledge-based approach and develops an expert design system to support top-down design for assembled products. The presentation of research report is divided into two parts: the knowledge-based approach (Part I) and the knowledge-based expert design system (Part II). This paper is the second part of the report (Part II). It will focus on the development of knowledge-based expert design system for assembly oriented design. The knowledge-based assembly oriented design system, i.e., the assembly oriented design expert system (AODES) is constructed to integrate assembly modeling and design, assembly planning, assemblability analysis and evaluation within a concurrent engineering environment. This intelligent system is implemented by integrating object-oriented representation, constraint-based modeling, rule-based reasoning, truth maintenance, and interfacing to database management system and CAD module, in which fuzzy logic based knowledge representation and inference technique are also applied to deal with uncertain data and knowledge in the design process. The developed system differs from the existing systems adopting part-first bottom-up modeling technique, in which a comprehensive intelligent framework is used for assembly modeling and design in a top-down manner from the conceptual level to the detailed level. It is able to help obtain better design ideas, provide users with suggestions so as to create and improve a design, and therefore give users the possibility to assess and reduce the total production cost at an early stage during the design process. Through the use of the system, the concurrent engineering knowledge can be effectively incorporated into the assembly design process in an integrated manner. A case assembly design shows that the intelligent modeling and design system is feasible. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.