Chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) in rivers is mainly affected by natural conditions and human activities and can reflect the watershed pollution status to a certain extent. The Yellow River is one of the largest contributors to the global riverine sediment flux from the land to ocean, and there is a paucity of information on how the optical properties of CDOM have the potential to serve as an indicator of water quality for the sedimentladen Yellow River. In this study, a three-dimensional fluorescence parallel factor (PARAFAC) analysis method was applied to investigate the seasonal and spatial variations in CDOM fluorescence components and spectral characteristics from the source region to the estuary in the mainstream of Yellow River. The relationships of CDOM with water quality indicators and trophic state were also analyzed. Six PARAFAC components (C1-C6) were identified and grouped into two categories: humic-like components (C1-C4), which accounted for 85.8 %, and protein-like components (C5 and C6), which accounted for only 14.2 %. The CDOM components, spectral parameters, and their clear correlations with the main ions (Na+ and Cl-) all indicated that the humic-like components may be primarily derived from nonpoint source erosion, and the protein-like components were mainly derived from point source discharges in the watershed. The combination of the CDOM absorption coefficient at 254 nm (a(254)), spectral slope ratio (SR), specific UV absorbance SUVA254, and fluorescence index (FI) had a good predictive ability for the key water quality indicators (total nitrogen (TN), dissolved total nitrogen (DTN), total phosphorus (TP), dissolved total phosphorus (DTP), and chlorophyll a (Chl a)) and trophic state index (TSI). Therefore, some fluorophores and UV spectral parameters of CDOM in the Yellow River can be used for rapid water quality monitoring and pollution source indication, especially pollutants related to nitrogen and phosphorus nutrients in the basin.