Friction-spinning as an innovative incremental forming process enables high degrees of deformation in the field of tube and sheet metal forming due to self-induced heat generation in the forming area. The complex thermomechanical conditions generate non-uniform residual stress distributions. In order to specifically adjust these residual stress distributions, the influence of different process parameters on residual stress distributions in flanges formed by the friction-spinning of tubes is investigated using the design of experiments (DoE) method. The feed rate with an effect of -156 MPa/mm is the dominating control parameter for residual stress depth distribution in steel flange forming, whereas the rotation speed of the workpiece with an effect of 18 MPa/mm dominates the gradient of residual stress generation in the aluminium flange-forming process. A run-to-run predictive control system for the specific adjustment of residual stress distributions is proposed and validated. The predictive model provides an initial solution in the form of a parameter set, and the controlled feedback iteratively approaches the target value with new parameter sets recalculated on the basis of the deviation of the previous run. Residual stress measurements are carried out using the hole-drilling method and X-ray diffraction by the cos alpha-method.