In this paper, we continue our study of the motion of spinning test bodies orbiting Kerr black holes. Nonspinning test bodies follow geodesics of the spacetime in which they move. A test body's spin couples to the curvature of that spacetime, introducing a "spin-curvature force" which pushes the body's worldline away from a geodesic trajectory. The spin-curvature force is an important example of a postgeodesic effect which must be modeled carefully in order to accurately characterize the motion of bodies orbiting black holes. One motivation for this work is to understand how to include such effects in models of gravitational waves produced from the inspiral of stellar mass bodies into massive black holes. In this paper's predecessor, we describe a technique for computing bound orbits of spinning bodies around black holes with a frequency-domain description which can be solved very precisely. In that paper, we present an overview of our methods, as well as present results for orbits which are eccentric and nearly equatorial (i.e., the orbit's motion is no more than O(S) out of the equatorial plane). In this paper, we apply this formulation to the fully generic case-orbits which are inclined and eccentric, with the small body's spin arbitrarily oriented. We compute the trajectories which such orbits follow, and compute how the small body's spin affects important quantities such as the observable orbital frequencies Omega(r), Omega(theta) and Omega(phi).