In recent years, most distributed multimedia applications are deployed directly on the Internet, and to carry real-time streaming services on the Internet is still very serious challenges. Internet is constructed on the basis of TCP/IP protocol, which provides the only best effort service, and adopts the best strategy of meet competition for all the service requests. This method lacks efficient resource scheduling classification, which leads to a variety of network resource sharing prone to bottlenecks and reduce the network throughput. Therefore, a good way to guarantee quality of service on multimedia application should be established based on the existing Internet architecture. In this paper, firstly, the low load balancing QoS routing technology is proposed with the application requirements of distributed multimedia services in overlay network. Characterization of the path through the establishment on the profit and loss model of resource consumption, resource consumption will be bound into the path of incremental choices. Secondly, the fast QoS re-routing technology is studied, and the introduction of reconstruction costs model, as constrained alternative routing process. Theoretical analysis shows that the method can effectively improve the efficiency of route recovery time and reduce the recovery delay. Finally, a dynamic QoS-aware approach to changes in demand is established. The training samples by the principle of self-learning assessment model to establish a unified system of shielding parameters of the difference between the ability to adapt to different QoS parameters for monitoring. (C) 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of the Organizers of 2011 International Conference on Energy and Environmental Science.