Simple Summary Veterinary public health is involved in various fields related to food animals, i.e., their welfare and health condition, food safety and quality. Proper management of animal health status, in slaughter and then monitoring procedures through the whole production chain, are incorporated in the work of Veterinary Food Inspectors. These inspectors are also involved in assessing epidemiological situation, taking decisions in crisis and supervising decision-making process in the slaughterhouse. Responsible for both animal and human health, Veterinary Food Inspectors struggle with moral and ethical dilemmas, conflicts with food industry workers and employment shortages. There is also growing demand for continuing education and training, in order to adjust veterinary service to dynamically changing food industry and to follow modern animal production. More attention must be paid to training in food hygiene subjects, given Veterinary Food Inspectors must have excellent competencies in this field, in order to guarantee excellent last contact with food animals. Abstract The evaluation of the quality of Veterinary Inspection in Poland has received much attention in the past few years. Veterinarians working as Food Inspectors face numerous and newly arising problems in the protection of animal health status, providing surveillance information on the occurrence of diseases, and carrying out risk analyses of the hazards related to food of animal origin. From the 130 active veterinarians attending the post graduate courses in "Hygiene of slaughter animals, meat and animal origin products" in Poland, 119 took part in the survey. The questionnaire consisted of 15 questions that delivered information on demographic features of the respondents, and various aspects of the course of their work: (a) Motivation to undertake work in food safety sector, (b) overall job satisfaction, (c) crucial negative factors and (d) occupational hazards. Participants were mainly under 40 years of age. They were Veterinary Food Inspectors working as Official and Approved Veterinarians. Permanent position and economic reasons were their main motivation in the food safety sector. They indicated problems related to insufficient training in ante and post mortem examination, work with legal acts and risk analysis. They also declared a lack of preparation in coping with crisis situations. One third of the respondents declared their health and lives were endangered, while fulfilling professional duties and pointed at different sources of hazards. The overall evaluation of the work in food safety sector was rated good and satisfactory.