To determine the impact of fertilization and thinning on growth and development of red fir (Abies magnifica A. Murr.) stands, we established an experiment in a 60-year-old stand using a 2 X 3 factorial design with nitrogen-fertilized and nonfertilized treatments and three stocking levels. Plots were established in 1976 and were measured every 5 years for 26 years. The periodic annual increment in basal area was 97%, 51%, 38%, and 33% greater in fertilized trees than in nonfertilized trees during the first, second, third, and fourth 5-year periods, respectively. After 20 years, annual basal area increment was greater in nonfertilized trees. The response of annual volume increment to fertilization was not statistically significant until the fourth period. Yet, volume increases of the fertilized plots were 25%-92% greater than those of the nonfertilized plots from 1976 to 1996. Similarly, basal area increment was greater in lightly thinned plots than in unthinned plots from the second period on, until heavy mortality during 1996-2002. Basal area increment was greater in the heavily thinned plots from the fourth period on. Results indicate that red fir can respond to fertilization and thinning quickly and that both treatments speed stand development. In addition, fertilization increases the stand's carrying capacity. Therefore, forest managers can use these silvicultural practices to improve stand growth, to reduce fire fuels, and to accelerate stand development.