Objective: The spread of COVID-19 disease which had been declared as pandemic on 11th March 2020 currently already affected 212 countries around the world. Thus, the prevention and control measures are being established at national level thru the combined action of containment and mitigation. The aim of this study, to summarize on the rapid response and the public health measure among the Asian countries. Method: A systematic search was conducted using PubMed and Web of Science which is published in advanced of 29th April 2020. The keywords search used 'Rapid response' OR 'public health measures' OR 'public health policies' OR 'preventive measures' AND 'Coronavirus Disease 2019' OR 'COVID-19' OR 'novel coronavirus' OR 'SARS-COV2'. The inclusion criteria were English language articles with the availability of full text. Results: There were 43 articles included in this review. Eleven main domains were identified as the public health measures done among the Asian countries, which are screening, quarantine, isolation, contact tracing, repeated sampling, personal protective equipment, personal hygiene and symptom-based screening, social distancing, movement control, border control and disinfection at public places. Conclusion: The rapid response and public health measures are different from one another of these Asian Countries. Thus, which of the prevention and control are effective and feasible can be applied to the other countries in controlling the spread of COVID-19 disease.